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EpiPens on Mississauga Fire Trucks Already Save Two Lives

On May 8, Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services (MFES) announced that all fire trucks operating in Mississauga will carry EpiPens and firefighters are authorized to provide assistance to anyone that requires it. Since that announcement, MFES staff have saved two lives by properly administering the EpiPen.

The first emergency call came on August 20, 2013 when a 30 year old woman with a fish allergy was exposed to fish. MFES crews learned that an attempt was made to give her own EpiPen but it wasn’t administered correctly. MFES noticed obvious signs of anaphylaxis and that the woman’s condition was getting worse. She was experiencing extreme difficulty breathing due to swelling in and around her mouth and throat and she was unable to speak. MFES assessed the patient and administered the EpiPen. The patient’s symptom started to subside 15 seconds later.

The second emergency call, which came on September 16, 2013, was for a 17 year old girl with a nut allergy who was exposed to nuts while eating ice cream. Her mother had administered the  EpiPen prior to MFES’ arrival however it had not improved her condition and the teen was experiencing extreme difficulty breathing. MFES arrived quickly, assessed the patient and administered the MFES EpiPen. Her condition began improving immediately.

MFES Training Officer Trevor Shea is available to talk about these two instances, the EpiPen program on Mississauga fire trucks and how this program can and has saved lives.

Media Contact:
Lindsay Noronha
Communications Advisor, Community Services
905-615-3200 ext. 5053 
TTY: 905-896-5151

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