June 17, 2011 – In June 2010, Niagara West – Glanbrook MP Dean Allison gave notice for Motion M-546 that read: That in the opinion of the House, anaphylaxis is a serious concern for an increasing number of Canadians and the government should take the appropriate measures necessary to ensure these Canadians are able to maintain a high quality of life.
In the months following, Mr. Allison and a group of volunteers met with Members of Parliament to provide background and make presentations about severe, life-threatening allergies. In the 40th Parliament, there were more than 40 MPs who indicated their active commitment to advancing issues relating to anaphylaxis.
On March 21, 2011, the House of Commons debated M-546 and MPs discussed a 5-point policy approach suggested by a network of Canadian families, recognized as volunteers of the Canadian Anaphylaxis Initiative (CAI). In that debate, M-546 was support by all four Parties.
Though the motion was lost with the call of the dissolution of Parliament and the call of the federal election, M-546 achieved three important things:
1) The House of Commons debate is a point of reference for MPs and Ottawa officials on the degree of support there is for action on anaphylaxis issues;
2) The 5-points of policy of the Canadian Anaphylaxis Initiative was the central focus of debate for MPs
3) All-Party support was expressed for the motion and for the approach suggested by the CAI’s 5-points
MP Dean Allison has re-introduced this anaphylaxis awareness motion in the House of Commons on June 15, 2011. Motion M-230 will be subject of further debate and activities in this 41st Parliament.
Read the full background document on the 5-point Policy Request.
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