1 in 13 U.S. Kids has Food Allergy
(This is an excerpt of an article in Allergic Living by the publication’s editor Gwen Smith. The direct link is here:
http://allergicliving.com/index.php/2011/06/20/1-in-13-u-s-kids-has-food-allergy/ )
A new study, funded by the Food Allergy Initiative, finds that 8 percent of American children under the age of 18 have one or more food allergies. That means 5.9 million kids are at risk food-allergic reactions.
That 8 percent finding is considerably higher than previously known. Previous prevalence estimates that have found the range of food allergies as high as 8 percent in children under age 3, but more in the range of 4 percent for older children.
The study, published in the medical journal Pediatrics, finds that teens between the ages of 14 and 17 are most at risk of a severe reaction. It also finds a higher incidence of food allergies in African-American children and those of Asian background. But of concern, children from those two groups were less likely to see an allergist and receive a formal diagnosis than white children.
Key findings:
- 38.7 percent of the children in the survey had a severe or life-threatening allergy
- 30.4 percent had multiple food allergies
- Children with food allergies were most commonly allergic to peanuts (25.2 percent), milk (21.1 percent) and shellfish (17.2 percent), followed by tree nuts (13.1 percent), and egg (9.8 percent)
- Severe reactions were most common among children with a tree nut, peanut, shellfish, soy, or fin fish allergy
- Children aged 14-17 years were most likely to have a severe food allergy
- Food allergies affect children in all geographic regions
- Asian and African American children were more likely to have a convincing history of food allergy, but were less likely to receive a formal diagnosis when compared to white children
Read also:
– FAI’s full media release: http://www.faiusa.org/page.aspx?pid=595
– Reuters Health interviews the study author: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/20/us-food-allergies-idUSTRE75J0YJ20110620
– More on Food Allergy Prevalence – U.S. & Canada: http://allergicliving.com/index.php/2010/08/24/statistics-food-allergy/
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